Guest Talks at DTU
Bert Zwart
(CWI and TU/e)
How to avoid blackouts at minimal costs using chance-constrained programming? (slides)
Hrvoje Pandzic
(University of Zagreb)
Evaluation of battery models for power system economics (slides)
David Wozabal
(VU Amsterdam)
Algorithmic trading in continuous intraday power markets
Carleton Coffrin
(Los Alamos National Lab)
Quantum computing and PowerModels.jl for optimization of power systems (slides)
Mahnoosh Alizadeh
(UC Santa Barbara)
Safe learning and optimization with applications in retail electricity pricing (slides)
Pierluigi Mancarella
(University of Melbourne)
Navigating the energy transition: Challenges and opportunities in Australia (slides)
Rodrigo Moreno
(University of Chile)
Decarbonisation challenges in the South American context (slides)
Line Roald
(UW Madison)
How can consumers effectively reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption?
Josh Taylor
Active distance protection in inverter-fed grids
Juan Miguel Morales
(University of Malaga)
Decision-making under uncertainty with contextual information (slides)
Lykke Mulvad Jeppesen
Offshore wind and infrastructure: A key to decarbonizing Europe (slides)
Hao Zhu
(UT Austin)
Physics-informed and risk-aware machine learning in power systems
Shie Mannor
Machine learning: State-of-the-art and applications to renewable energy (slides)
Ian Hiskens
(University of Michigan)
Nonlinear dynamics of aggregate load models
Steven Low
Time-varying nonconvex optimization with application to OPF
Pascal Van Hentenryck
(Georgia Tech)
Gas-aware unit commitment