Renewables in Electricity Markets
MSc-level course, 2021-present [ link ]. Videos from 2025.
Version 2025:
Version 2024:
Lecture 1: Introduction to electricity markets [ slides ]
Lecture 2: Fundamentals of electricity markets [ slides ]
Lecture 3: Electricity market clearing: Optimization versus equilibrium [ slides ]
Lecture 4: Day-ahead electricity markets [ slides ]
Lecture 5: Intra-day and balancing markets [ slides ]
Lectures 6-7: Ancillary service markets [ slides ]
Lectures 8-9: Offering strategy of price-taker renewables [ slides ]
Lecture 10: Offering strategy in Nordic ancillary service markets [ slides ]
Additional materials:
Lecture A: Impact of renewables on electricity markets [ slides ]
Lecture B: Offering strategy of price-maker renewables [ slides ]
Lecture C: Incorporation of unit commitment constraints [ slides ]
2024 [ Assignment 1 | Assignment 2 ]
2023 [ Assignment 1 | rubric | Assignment 2 | rubric ]
2022 [ Assignment 1 | Assignment 2 ]
Advanced Optimization and Game Theory for Energy Systems
PhD-level course, 2016-2023 [ link ]. Videos from 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other Teaching Activities
Invited teaching activities (selected)
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. The 6th KIOS Graduate Training School on Intelligent Systems and Control. Six-hour lecture on "Electricity market design and bidding strategy," September 2024. [ link ]
École des Ponts ParisTech, France (together with PhD Student Andrea Gloppen Johnsen). Smart Energy and Stochastic Optimization (SESO 2023) Workshop. Five-hour lecture on "Power-to-X: Portfolio management of hybrid power plants," October 2023.
University of Calgary, Canada. Summer School on Forecasting and Mathematical Modeling for Renewable Energy (link). Five-hour online lecture on "Mixed-integer linear programming for generation and transmission planning," June 2023.
Aalto Univeristy, Finland. Four-hour lecture on "Flexibility and coordination in energy systems," organized by Trans-Atlantic Cooperation on Energy Market Models (TACEMM 2021), November 2021. [ link ]
Skoltech, Moscow, Russia (together with PhD Student Vladimir Dvorkin). Five-day course on "Decomposition techniques for energy systems applications," September 2018. Feedback from 13 participants: excellent: 92%, good: 8%, fair: 0%, poor: 0%.
University of Tabriz, Iran. Five-hour lecture on "Decomposition techniques for optimization problems with complicating constraints/variables," September 2016.