Lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2024 on "How to optimally bid in Nordic ancillary service markets?":
Keynote, TU Delft PowerWeb Conference, "Mathematical programming for the market integration of power-to-X hybrid power plants: The case of a plant in Denmark":
Lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2023 on "business models for power-to-x hybrid power plants":
Lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2022 on "market design for integrated energy systems":
Lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2019 on "distributed optimization":
Lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2018 on "electricity markets with renewables":
Extra video recordings:
Lecture recorded for the IEEE PES General Meeting 2020 on ``Coordination of electricity, heat, and natural gas systems":
Invited Talks (Selected)
Keynote talk at the European Energy Markets (EEM 2024) conference in Istanbul, invited panel talk at PSCC 2024 in Paris, and a lecture at DTU PES Summer School 2024, ``P90 requirement of Energinet: How to optimally bid in Nordic ancillary service markets?," June 2024. ( video | slides | paper 1 | paper 2 )
3rd Champéry Power Conference (invited speaker), ``Electric vehicles bidding in Nordic flexibility markets: A distributionally robust chance-constrained program," February 2024. ( slides )
Keynote talk at TU Delft, PowerWeb Institute Conference (10th anniversary of PowerWeb), ``Mathematical programming for the market integration of power-to-X hybrid power plants: The case of a plant in Denmark," September 2023. ( video | slides )
EPFL Evolution of Electricity Markets Workshop (Lausanne, Switzerland), ``Selling demand-side flexibility in Danish ancillary service markets," September 2023. ( slides )
NTNU/NHH Winter School 2023 (Geilo, Norway), ``Portfolio management of hybrid power plants," March 2023. ( slides )
NTNU Winter School 2022 (Oppdal, Norway) and the University of Copenhagen (both Department of Computer Science and Department of Economics), ``Data markets for energy," March 2022. ( slides )
Univeristy of Sevilla, Spain, ``The role of aggregators and demand flexibility in electricity markets," October 2021. ( slides )
Online seminar series of Industrial and Systems Engineering Department of Rutgers University, ``Risk trading in energy communities,'' March 2021. ( slides )
Webinar series of The Operations, Planning, Accounting & Control (OPAC) group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), ``Risk trading in energy communities,'' September 2020. ( slides | paper )
Invited panelist at the International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2020), ``Risk trading in energy communities,'' August 2020. ( slides | paper )
Invited panelist at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2020, ``Coordination of electricity, heat, and natural gas systems accounting for network flexibility,'' August 2020. ( slides | paper | video )
Energy Modelling Webinar Series, ``Distributionally robust chance-constrained generation expansion planning,'' April 2020.
Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, ``Distributionally robust chance constrained generation expansion planning," March 2019. ( slides | video | paper )
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, ``Towards revealing the full operational flexibility of integrated energy systems," March 2019. ( slides | video )
Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK, ``Towards revealing the full operational flexibility of energy systems," February 2019. ( slides )
The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK, ``Virtual bidding and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation," May 2018. ( slides | paper )
University of Edinburgh, UK, ``Bilevel programming, complementarity modeling and equilibrium in energy systems", May 2018.
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, ``A stochastic market design with revenue adequacy and cost recovery by scenario: Benefits and costs," April 2018. ( link )
Skoltech, Moscow, Russia, ``Value of flexible resources, virtual bidding and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation," October 2017. ( link )
Imperial College London, UK, ``The applications of bilevel programming to power systems and electricity markets", June 2017. ( slides )
Paris-Diderot University, France, ``Value of flexible resources, virtual bidding and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation," June 2017. ( link | slides )
University of Mons, Belgium, ``Flexibility in electricity markets with significant share of renewables," March 2017. ( link | slides )
University of Tabriz, Iran, ``Flexibility in electricity markets with significant share of renewables: Sources, challenges and solutions," December 2016. ( slides )
Tsinghua University, China, ``A stochastic market design with revenue adequacy and cost recovery by scenario: Benefits and costs," October 2016. ( slides )
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Norway, ``Stochastic market clearing: An adequate pricing scheme per scenario," March 2016. ( slides )
Iran Grid Management Company, Iran, ``Network-constrained AC unit commitment under uncertainty: A Benders' decomposition approach," December 2015. ( slides )
Technical University of Denmark, ``Stochastic market clearing: An adequate pricing scheme per scenario," June 2015. ( video )
University of Tabriz, Iran, ``Generation investment of strategic producer in electricity markets," October 2013.
Technical University of Denmark, ``Strategic generation investment," October 2011.
Conference and Workshop Presentations (Selected)
Value of flexible resources, virtual bidding, and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation, European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Workshop on Energy Systems Integration, Technical University of Denmark, November 2016. ( slides )
Effects of risk aversion on market outcomes: A stochastic two-stage equilibrium model, International Conference on probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2016), Beijing, China, October 2016. ( slides )
Bidding strategy for an energy storage facility, Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2016), Genoa, Italy, June 2016. ( link | slides )
Impacts of unit commitment constraints on generation expansion decision under wind uncertainty, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015, Philadelphia, PA, November 2015. ( slides )
Stochastic market clearing: An adequate pricing scheme per scenario, 2015 International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2015), Pittsburgh, PA, July 2015. ( slides )
Value of demand response in wind-integrated markets: A stochastic equilibrium model, 2014 FERC Workshop/Transatlantic Infraday, Washington, DC, November 2014.
Strategic bidding of a large electricity consumer: A complementarity approach, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 2014. ( slides )
Stochastic two-stage market clearing considering demand response and wind power, WINDINSPIRE & SEP Workshop on Wind Energy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, June 2014.
Strategic generation investment, 2013 FERC Workshop/Transatlantic Infraday, Washington, DC, November 2013.
Strategic generation investment in an electricity pool: An MPEC approach, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, November 2011.