News in 2017
Dec. 15, 2017: Accepted! Our paper T. Jensen, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Cost-optimal ATCs in zonal electricity markets," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [link]
Dec. 12, 2017: Selected as one the eight outstanding editorial board members of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) for 2017.Â
Nov. 22, 2017: Lazaros Exizidis will be defending his PhD thesis entitled "Electricity markets with high wind power penetration: Information sharing and incentive-compatibility" on December 5, 2017 at University of Mons, Belgium. I jointly supervised his PhD work with F. Vallee and Z. De Greve. His PhD thesis is available here. Lazaros will be joining ENTSO-E as a market modeling advisor.
Oct. 27, 2017: I will be teaching a 3-week special course on "Large-scale optimization problems in energy systems: applications of decomposition techniques" in January 2018.
Opening: There is a postdoc position in the ELMA group in "Market design for demand response resources and integrated energy systems". Apply here! The deadline for application is October 25, 2017.
Sep. 18, 2017: Presented our work on this paper at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization (ESCO 2017), Rome, Italy, 20-22 Sep. 2017.
Sep. 1, 2017: Anna Schwele joined us as a PhD student. She will work on efficient and scalable market design for renewable-based integrated energy systems (CORE project). Anna received a double M.Sc. degree between DTU and TU Munich in Operations Research and Management Science in 2017.
Sep. 1, 2017: Vladimir Dvorkin joined us as a PhD student. He will work on advanced game-theoretical aspects in electricity markets. Vladimir received a M.Sc. degree in Sustainable Energy from DTU in 2017 and another M.Sc. degree in Economics from Higher School of Economics in Moscow in 2014.
Aug. 8, 2017: Accepted! Our paper E. Nasrolahpour, J. Kazempour, H. Zareipour, and W. D. Rosehart, "A bilevel model for participation of a storage system in energy and reserve markets," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. [paper]
Aug. 2. 2017: Invited to give a talk at Skoltech, Moscow, Russia, at the 3rd International Conference of Skoltech Center for Energy Systems Science for Energy Systems Regulation, Oct. 12-13, 2017.
Aug. 2. 2017: Invited to run a single-day workshop at University of Tabriz, Iran, on "Modern Challenges in Electricity Markets: An Optimization Perspective", Aug. 27, 2017. [link]
Jul. 31, 2017: Accepted! Our paper N. Mazzi, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Price-taker offering strategy in electricity pay-as-bid markets," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [paper]
Jul. 25, 2017: Anna Schwele will be defending her master thesis on "Impact of unit commitment constraints on generation expansion decisions under wind uncertainty", DTU Lyngby campus, building 325, room 101, 1pm. [thesis]
Jul. 6, 2017: Vladimir Dvorkin will be defending his master thesis on "Multi-stage strategic investment in CCGTs and wind power units via progressive hedging", DTU Lyngby campus, building 325, room 101, 9am. [thesis]
Jun. 23, 2017: Invited to give a talk at Imperial College London (Control and Power Group) on "Applications of Bilevel Programming to Power Systems and Electricity Markets". [slides]
Jun. 19, 2017: Christos Ordoudis will be presenting our paper "Exploiting flexibility in coupled electricity and natural gas markets: A price-based approach" at IEEE PowerTech 2017, Manchester, UK. [paper]
Jun. 1, 2017: Niklas Vespermann joined ELMA Group as a research assistant to work together on the EcoGrid 2.0 project. We will develop an offering strategy for demand response providers and aggregators in balancing electricity markets.
Opening: We are looking for an excellent PhD student to work on "Advanced Game-Theoretical Aspects in Electricity Markets". Apply here! The application deadline is June 21, 2017.
Jun. 12-16, 2017: DTU Summer School 2017: After last year's successful summer school, we organize our second summer school on "Modern Challenges in Power System Operation and Electricity Markets: An Optimization Perspective". Looking forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen! The deadline for registration is May 7, 2017.
Jun. 8, 2017: Invited to give a talk at the workshop "Forecasting and Risk Management for Renewable Energy", Paris-Diderot University. [slides]
Apr. 30, 2017: Accepted! Our two-part paper J. Kazempour and B. F. Hobbs, "Value of Flexible Resources, Virtual Bidding, and Self-Scheduling in Two-Settlement Electricity Markets With Wind Generation" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [part I, part II]
Opening: We are looking for an excellent PhD student to work on "Efficient and Scalable Market Design for Renewable-based Integrated Energy Systems". Apply here! The deadline for application is May 15, 2017.