News in 2018
Dec. 25, 2018: Selected as one of the 7 outstanding editorial board members of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) for 2018.
Dec. 18, 2018: Accepted! Our paper A. Schwele, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, “Do unit commitment constraints affect generation expansion planning? A scalable stochastic model,” has been accepted for publication in Energy Systems. [paper]
Dec. 15, 2018: Christos Ordoudis defended successfully his PhD thesis with title "Market-based Approaches for the Coordinated Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Systems". Christos was supervised by my colleagues, Pierre Pinson, Juan Miguel Morales and myself. Thanks to Pascal Van Hentenryck, Afzal Siddiqui and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis for examining this thesis. The thesis is available [here].
Dec. 12, 2018: Elevated to IEEE Senior Member grade!
Dec. 1, 2018: Anubhav Ratha started his PhD at the ELMA group under the supervision of Pierre Pinson (DTU), Ana Virag (VITO, Belgium) and myself. Anubhav got his MSc degree in Energy Science and Technology from ETH Zurich, and will work on market design for integrated energy systems during his PhD.
Nov. 20, 2018: Prof. Yury Dvorkin from New York University gave a talk on "Harvesting demand response flexibility via learning" at the ELMA group of DTU. The video of his talk is available [here].
Nov. 5, 2018: Prof. François Vallée and Dr. Zacharie De Grève from University of Mons, Belgium, gave two talks on "Decision-making in electric power systems" and "Data analytics in electric power systems: How can machine learning help? "at the ELMA group of DTU. Their slides are available here: File 1 | File 2.
Oct. 19, 2018: Started co-supervising PhD student Niklas Vespermann at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Together with Prof. Thomas Hamacher, we will work on market design for future energy communities and local markets.
Oct. 1, 2018: Adriano Arrigo started his PhD at the University of Mons, Belgium. Together with Prof. François Vallée and Dr. Jean-François Toubeau, I will co-supervise his PhD work on the applications of distributionally robust optimization to power systems.
Sep. 19. 2018: Prof. Shmuel Oren (University of California, Berkeley) gave a talk on "mobilizing grid flexibility for renewables integration through topology control and dynamic thermal rating" at the ELMA group of DTU.
Sep. 7, 2018: Invited as a speaker to The Mathematics of Energy Systems programme at the Isaac Newton Institute in University of Cambridge in March 2019.
Sep. 7, 2018: Together with my PhD student, Vladimir Dvorkin, we will be running a five-day course (24-28 September 2018) on "applications of decomposition techniques to power systems" at Skoltech, Moscow, Russia. The course description is available here.
Sep. 7, 2018: Invited to serve as a scientific committee member of the XV International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP2019), NTNU, Trondheim, July 29 - August 2, 2019.
Jul. 13, 2018: Accepted! Our paper V. Dvorkin, J. Kazempour, L. Baringo, and P. Pinson, "A consensus-ADMM approach for strategic generation investment in electricity markets" will be presented at the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018), Dec. 2018. [paper]
Jul. 1, 2018: The 3rd edition of DTU CEE Summer School on "Modern Optimization in Energy" took place from the 24th to 29th of June 2018. The slides and videos of all lectures are available here: slides | videos | YouTube
Jun. 5, 2018: Farzaneh Pourahmadi, PhD student at Sharif University of Technology (Iran), started her visiting stay at DTU. We will work on distributionally robust generation expansion planning.
Opening: There is a 3-year joint PhD position between DTU and VITO (Belgium) in the ELMA group on "Market design for future highly interconnected multi-carrier energy systems". Apply here! The deadline for application is June 15, 2018.
May 30, 2018: Vladimir Dvorkin will be giving a talk on "A scalable solution framework for strategic investment problems via progressive hedging" at Conference on Computational Management Science (CMS 2018), Trondheim, Norway. (slides | paper)
May 18, 2018: Presented our work at The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK, on "Virtual bidding and self-scheduling in two-settlement electricity markets with wind generation". (slides)
May 10, 2018: Lesia Mitridati gave a talk on "Coordination of heat and electricity systems via market-based mechanisms" at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK. Her slides are available here. Lesia will give an updated version of this work at ISMP in July 2018.
May 10, 2018: Anna Schwele gave a talk on "Virtual bidders and self-schedulers in electricity and natural gas markets" at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK. Her slides are available here. Anna will give an updated version of this work at ISMP in July 2018.
Apr. 30, 2018: Invited to be a visiting scholar at the School of Mathematics, Operational Research and Optimization Group, University of Edinburgh, UK, from April 30 to June 2, 2018 (five weeks).
Apr. 20, 2018: Presented our work a talk at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen on "A stochastic market design with revenue adequacy and cost recovery by scenario: Benefits and costs" [abstract | paper]. The same talk will be given on the 1st of May at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Feb. 26, 2018: Corey Kok joined us as a Postdoctoral Fellow. We will be working together on market design for demand response resources and integrated energy systems. Before joining the ELMA group, Corey was a PhD student at The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Feb. 5, 2018: After the two successful summer schools in 2016 and 2017, The ELMA Group is pleased to invite PhD and MSc students, postdocs and researchers in industry to the 3rd DTU CEE Summer School 2018, which will focus on “Modern Optimization in Energy Systems”. The venue will be DTU Lyngby campus from June 25 to 29, 2018. The registration deadline is March 18, 2018. Read more about the event here.
Jan. 30, 2018: Our paper L. Bobo, S. Delikaraoglou, N. Vespermann, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Offering strategy of a flexibility aggregator in a balancing market using asymmetric block offers" will be presented at the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), June 2018. [paper]
Jan. 23, 2018: All lecture slides for course "Large-scale optimization problems in energy systems: Applications of decomposition techniques" were uploaded here.
Jan. 10, 2018: Dimitrios Thomas, PhD student at the University of Mons (Belgium), started his 3-month visiting stay at DTU. We will be working together on sharing storage in smart grids.
Jan. 1, 2018: Accepted! Our paper J. Kazempour, P. Pinson, and B. F. Hobbs, "A stochastic market design with revenue adequacy and cost recovery by scenario: Benefits and costs," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [link]