News in 2019
Dec. 19, 2019: Accepted! Our paper L. Mitridati, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Design and game-theoretic analysis of community-based market mechanisms in heat and electricity systems," has been accepted for publication in Omega. The paper is available [here].
Dec. 12, 2019: The 5th DTU CEE Summer School (21-26 June 2020) is now open for application! The focus will be on "Advanced optimization, learning, and game‐theoretic models in energy systems ". The application deadline is the end of January 2020. More info is available in our webpage [here].
Dec. 10, 2019: Received the "best teacher" award of DTU Electrical Engineering Department for Spring Semester of 2019 (based on students' evaluation) [link].
Dec. 1, 2019: Accepted! Our paper F. Pourahmadi, J. Kazempour, C. Ordoudis, P. Pinson, and S. H. Hosseini, "Distributionally robust chance-constrained generation expansion planning," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Dec. 1, 2019: Accepted! Our paper L. Mitridati, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Heat and electricity market coordination: A scalable complementarity approach,'' has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research. The paper is available [here].
Sep. 13, 2019: Accepted! Our paper V. Dvorkin, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Electricity market equilibrium under information asymmetry," has been accepted for publication in the Operations Research Letters. The paper is available [here].
Opening: A PhD position is available in our group on data sharing and trading, global and network games, differential privacy, all with applications to power and energy systems. The link for application page is here. The deadline is September 20, 2019.
Jul. 19, 2019: Accepted! Our paper A. Ratha, J. Kazempour, A. Virag, and P. Pinson, "Exploring market properties of policy-based reserve procurement for power systems" has been accepted for presentation at the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) , Nice, France, Dec. 2019. The paper is available [here].
Jun. 26, 2019: Anna Schwele received the second best student paper award in PowerTech 2019 Conference, Milan, Italy. The paper is available [here]. Congrats to Anna and Christos Ordoudis for such a nice work!
Jun. 21, 2019: DTU CEE Summer school 2019 with 60 participants from all over the world came to the end. Thanks to Munther Dahleh, Dolores Romero Morales, Johanna Mathieu, Andrea Simonetto, Saverio Bolognani, Pierre Pinson and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis for great talks. All slides are available [here]. See you in next DTU CEE summer school in June 2020!
Jun. 16, 2019: Accepted! Our paper Y. Ye, D. Papadaskalopoulos, J. Kazempour, and G. Strbac, "Incorporating non-convex operating characteristics into bi-level optimization electricity market models," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Jun. 14, 2019: Prof. Antonio J. Conejo presented two mini introductory lectures at DTU on adaptive robust optimization as well as power and gas equilibria. The slides are available here. The videos will be uploaded at CEE YouTube soon.
Jun. 12, 2019: The videos of invited course at DTU on "advanced game theory in power systems" by Prof. Uday V. Shanbhag are now available online at CEE YouTube. Besides, the videos of the two talks by Prof. Steven Low and Prof. Ian Hiskens are posted.
Jun. 3, 2019: Alexander Hermann defended his PhD thesis on "Market-Based Methods for the Coordinated Use of Distributed Energy Resources", supervised by Prof. Jacob Østergaard, Prof. Shaojun Huang and myself. Congrats Alex! Thanks Prof. Florin Capitanescu, Prof. Christoph Weber and Prof. Pierre Pinson for examining the thesis. The slides of his defense is available [here].
May 29, 2019: Accepted! Our paper C. Ziras, J. Kazempour, E. Can Kara, H. W. Bindner, P. Pinson, and S. Kiliccote, "A mid-term DSO market for capacity limits: How to estimate opportunity costs of aggregators?," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. The paper is available [here].
May 13, 2019: Lesia Mitridati defended successfully her PhD thesis with title "Market-Based Coordination of Heat and Electricity Systems". Lesia was supervised by my colleague, Pierre Pinson, and myself. Thanks to Prof. Steven Low, Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour and Prof. Spyros Chatzivasileiadis for examining this thesis. The thesis is available [here]. Lesia will be joining Georgia Tech as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
Apr. 12, 2019: Adriano Arrigo received Prix CREG (Belgian regulator for gas and electricity) award for his [master thesis]. See the news [here].
Apr. 10, 2019: Accepted! Our paper A. Hermann, J. Kazempour, S. Huang, and J. Østergaard, "Congestion management in distribution networks with asymmetric block offers," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Mar. 21, 2019: Presented our work at Issac Newton Institute of the University of Cambridge on "Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Generation Expansion Planning". The slides are available [here]. The video of talk is also available [here].
Mar. 12, 2019: Presented our work at Multi-Energy Systems Workshop at ETH Zurich on "Towards Revealing the Full Operational Flexibility of Integrated Energy Systems". The slides are available [here]. The video of talk is also available [here].
Mar. 8, 2019: Our following two papers have been accepted to be presented at the 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019 Conference, June 2019, Milan, Italy: [Paper 1, link]: A. Schwele, C. Ordoudis, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Coordination of power and natural gas systems: Convexification approaches for linepack modeling". [Paper 2, link]: C. Kok, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "A DSO-level contract market for conditional demand response".
Feb. 22, 2019: Promoted to Associate Professor with effect from February 1, 2019.
Feb 18, 2019: Accepted! Our paper L. Exizidis, J. Kazempour, A. Papakonstantinou, P. Pinson, Z. De Greve, and F. Vallee, “Incentive-compatibility in a two-stage stochastic electricity market with high wind power penetration,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Feb 12, 2019: Presented our work at Issac Newton Institute of the University of Cambridge on "Towards Revealing the Full Operational Flexibility of Energy Systems". The slides are available [here].
Feb. 7, 2019: We are organizing a compact 5-day course from the 6th to the 10th of May 2019 on "Advanced Game-theoretic Models in Power Systems" at the ELMA group of DTU. The invited teacher for the whole course is Prof. Uday V. Shanbhag from Pennsylvania State University. The course flyer is available [here].
Jan. 22, 2019: The 4th DTU CEE Summer School (16-21 June 2019) is now open for applicants to submit their motivation letters! This year, the focus will be on "Data-driven analytics and optimization for energy systems". We will have 9 lectures (all following by hands-on exercise sessions), poster session, social events, etc. The lecturers are Munther Dahleh, Dolores Romero Morales, Johanna Mathieu, Andrea Simonetto, Hélène Le Cadre, Saverio Bolognani, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Pierre Pinson and myself. Two MOSEK Scholarships are also available! The application deadline is mid March. Please see more info in our webpage here.