News in 2020
Dec. 1, 2020: Yannick Werner joined the ELMA group of DTU as a PhD student. Yannick received his BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management from TU Berlin. He will work on systemic risk analysis in integrated multi-carrier energy systems. His project is funded by DTU alliance programme that promotes collaboration with NTNU (Norway). Yannick will be supervised by Prof. Ruud Egging (NTNU) and myself.
Nov. 26, 2020: Funded! Innovation Fund Denmark funded our joint industrial PhD proposal with IBM on "Investment Models for Flexibility Trading".
Nov. 26, 2020: I served as an examiner for the PhD thesis of Orcun Karaca (ETH Zurich) together with Prof. Sven Seuken (University of Zurich) and Prof. Neil Walton (University of Manchester). The title of his thesis is "On the theory and applications of mechanism design and coalitional games in electricity markets".
Nov. 13, 2020: Anna Schwele defended her PhD thesis with title "Integration of electricity, natural gas and heat systems with market-based coordination" (thesis | slides | video). The examiners were Prof. Ramteen Sioshansi (The Ohio State University), Prof. Trine Boomsma (University of Copenhagen), and Prof. Qiuwei Wu (DTU).
Nov. 9-13, 2020: INFORMS ENRE-Energy II cluster offers 46 sessions at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020 with many interesting talks, all related to OR in Energy. I have been chairing this cluster in 2020.
Nov. 9, 2020: I served as the chair of examination committee and an examiner for the PhD thesis of Andreas Venzke (DTU), together with Prof. Duncan Callaway (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Andy Sun (Georgia Tech). The title of his thesis is "Machine learning and convex optimization for secure power system operation".
Oct. 17, 2020: Accepted! Our paper N. Vespermann, T. Hamacher, and J. Kazempour, “Access economy for storage in energy communities,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Oct. 12, 2020: Accepted! Our paper V. Dvorkin, F. Fioretto, P. Van Hentenryck, P. Pinson, and J. Kazempour, "Differentially private optimal power flow for distribution grids," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].
Sep. 29, 2020: Accepted! Our paper N. Vespermann, T. Hamacher, and J. Kazempour, “Risk trading in energy communities,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. The paper is available [here].
Sep. 17, 2020: Invited speaker in the webinar series of The Operations, Planning, Accounting & Control (OPAC) group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Risk trading in energy communities (slides | paper).
Aug. 26, 2020: Appointed member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE PowerTech 2021.
Aug. 24, 2020: Our paper [link] has been recognized with an honorable mention by INFORMS ENRE Best Publication Committee in 2020.
Aug. 20, 2020: Invited panelist at the International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Risk trading in energy communities (slides | paper).
Aug. 3, 2020: Invited panelist at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2020, Coordination of electricity, heat, and natural gas systems accounting for network flexibility (slides | paper | video).
Jul. 20, 2020: Accepted! Our paper V. Dvorkin, P. Van Hentenryck, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Differentially private distributed optimal power flow," has been accepted for presentation at CDC 2020. The paper is available here.
Jul. 1, 2020: Liyang Han joined the ELMA group as a postdoctoral fellow. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oxford in 2020. Liyang will work on data market design for power systems.
May 10, 2020: Accepted! Our paper V. Dvorkin, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Chance-constrained equilibrium in electricity markets with asymmetric forecasts," has been accepted for presentation at PMAPS 2020. The paper is available [here].
Mar. 10, 2020: Accepted! Our paper C. Ordoudis, S. Delikaraoglou, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Market-based coordination for integrated electricity and natural gas systems under uncertain supply," has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research. The paper is available [here].
Feb. 13, 2020: Our two papers have been accepted for presentation at PSCC 2020 [paper1 | paper2].
Feb. 1, 2020: Started serving as the cluster chair for the ENRE Energy II at INFORMS for 2020 and 2021!
Jan. 30, 2020: We received 116 applications for attending DTU CEE Summer School 2020. This is a new record, as we have never received this amount of applications in the past four summer schools. Due to the number of available seats, the acceptance rate will be below 50%. Stay tuned and check out our website [here].
Jan. 11, 2020: Accepted! Our paper D. Thomas, J. Kazempour, A. Papakonstantinou, P. Pinson, O. Deblecker, and C. Ioakimidis, "A local market mechanism for physical storage rights," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. The paper is available [here].