News in 2022
December 19, 2022: Accepted! Our paper A. Ratha, P. Pinson, H. Le Cadre, A. Virag, and J. Kazempour, "Moving from linear to conic markets for electricity," has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research. [ link | arXiv ]
November 7, 2022: Accepted! Our paper A. Arrigo, J. Kazempour, Z. De Grève, J.-F. Toubeau, and F. Vallée, "Embedding dependencies between wind farms in distributionally robust optimal power flow," has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [ link | arXiv ]
October 13, 2022: Accepted! Our paper P. A. V. Gade, T. Skjøtskift, H. Bindner, and J. Kazempour, "Ecosystem for demand-side flexibility revisited: The Danish solution," has been accepted for publication in The Electricity Journal. [ link | arXiv ]
October 6, 2022: The EMA section had a pleasure to visit KU Leuven (Belgium), have a joint seminar, group discussions, and a tour to beautiful Leuven. Thanks Erik Delarue, Dirk Van Hertem, and all their group members for hosting us. Find a group picture on LinkedIn here.
October 3, 2022: Congrats to Adriano Arrigo on defending his PhD thesis "Advanced uncertainty- and physics-aware optimization for energy systems operation" ( PDF | slides ), completed at the University of Mons, Belgium. It was a pleasure co-supervising his PhD together with Prof. François Vallée (University of Mons). Thanks to Jury: Prof. Yury Dvorkin (Johns Hopkins University), Prof. Kenneth Bruninx (TU Delft), Prof. Bertrand Cornélusse (University of Liège), Prof. Daniel Tuyttens (UMons), Dr. Jean-François Toubeau (UMons), Prof. Zacharie De Grève (UMons), and Prof. Christophe Caucheteur (UMons).
September 6, 2022: Accepted! Our paper N. Vespermann, T. Hamacher, and J. Kazempour, "On ambiguity-averse market equilibrium," has been accepted for publication in Optimization Letters. [ link | PDF ]
September 1, 2022: Elected as an Executive Board member for EES-UETP.
September 1, 2022: Lesia Mitridati [ homepage ] joined the the EMA section as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor. She received her PhD from DTU in 2019, and has been a postdoc at Georgia Tech and ETH Zurich. Welcome Lesia!
September 1, 2022: Alice Patig [ LinkedIn ] jonied the EMA section as a Research Assistant. She received her MSc degree in Electrical Enginnering from the Univeristy of Edinburgh. Alice will be involved in our ongoing HOMEY project with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Welcome Alice!
June 29, 2022: Presented an invited survey paper at PSCC 2022 in Porto on "Power Systems Optimization under Uncertainty" together with Line Roald, David Pozo, Anthony Papavasiliou, Dan Molzahn, and Antonio Conejo. [ PDF ]
June 2, 2022: Joined Study Committee C5 of CIGRE "Electricity Markets and Regulation"
June 1, 2022: Congratulations to Anubhav Ratha on defending his PhD thesis with title "Market Design for Integrated Energy Systems of the Future" [ PDF | slides | video ]. Special thanks to Prof. Miguel F. Anjos (University of Edinburgh), Prof. Alexandre Street (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), and Prof. Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU) for examining his thesis. Anubhav stayed with us at the ELMA group (now EMA section) for the last four years, and completed his PhD theses under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Pinson, Ana Virag, and myself. Good luck Anubhav with your next career as a Data Scientist at Vestas.
June 1, 2022: Andrea Gloppen Johnsen [ LinkedIn ] joined the EMA section as a PhD student to work on market-based operation of power-to-X assets. She will be involved in the EUDP-funded HOMEY project in collaboration with Siemens Gamesa. Andrea received her MSc degree in Sustainable Energy from DTU. Welcome Andrea!
May 15, 2022: Thomas Falconer [ LinkedIn ] joined the EMA section as a PhD student to work on AI for electricty market deisgn. He received his MSc degree in Energy Systems and Data Analytics from UCL. Welcome Thomas!
April 27, 2022: DTU Summer School 2022 [ link ]: 108 applications received, 55% accepted. Looking forward to meeting you in Copenhagen on June 19-24, 2022. All video lectures will be publicly uploaded here. Update in August 2022: videos posted online.
March 11, 2022: Our paper has been selected as one of the 8 "Best Papers" of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in the period of 2019-2021. [ link ]
March 9, 2022: Niklas Vespermann defended his PhD thesis "Market design for Energy Communities" [ PDF | slides ] at the Technical Univeristy of Munich. I have served as his co-supervisor. Congratulations Niklas!
March 8, 2022: Accepted! Our paper P. Pinson, L. Han, and J. Kazempour, "Regression markets and application to energy forecasting," has been accepted for publication in TOP. [ arXiv ]
March 8, 2022: Invited to give a seminar on "Data Markets for Energy" at NTNU Winter School 2022 (Oppdal, Norway) and at the University of Copenhagen (both Department of Computer Science and Department of Economics). Slides are available here.
March 1, 2022: Appointed as the chair of Best Paper Award Committee of INFORMS ENRE in Energy for 2022.
February 4, 2022: All four submissions of our group have been accepted for presentation at Power Systems Computation Confernece (PSCC 2022). Looking forward to meeting you in Porto in June!
L. Han, P. Pinson, and J. Kazempour, "Trading data for wind power forecasting: A regression market with lasso regularization". [ arXiv ]
V. Dvorkin, D. Mallapragada, A. Botterud, J. Kazempour, and P. Pinson, "Multi-stage linear decision rules for stochastic control of natural gas networks with linepack". [ arXiv ]
J. Shin, Y. Werner, and J. Kazempour, "Modeling gas flow directions as state variables: Does it provide more flexibility to power systems?". [ arXiv ]
L. Frölke, I.-M. Palm, and J. Kazempour, "Market integration of excess heat". [ arXiv ]
January 3, 2022: We annouced a tenure track Assistant Professor position in Energy Markets and Digitalization (deadline: February 1, 2022): link. The successful applicant will join the ELMA group.