E-mail: jalal@dtu.dk

Phone: +45 26359955

Technical University of Denmark, Elektrovej, Building 325, room 142, Kgs. Lyngby 2800, Denmark

Links: Twitter | LinkedIn | DTU Webpage | Google Scholar | ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate | YouTube Channel | DTU PES YouTube | DTU PES Summer School

Hi and welcome!

I am a full Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Wind and Energy Systems (in short DTU Wind). I am currently heading the section "Energy Markets and Analytics" (EMA) with 10+ research staff.  I am also the head of studies for the MSc program "Sustainable Energy Systems", one of DTU’s flagship and most sought-after programs. Additionally, I am the founder and current co-organizer of the DTU PES (Power and Energy Systems) Summer School, which annually attracts numerous PhD students from around the world to DTU. I also serve as an Associate Editor for Operations Research.

My main research interest is to develop market-oriented and data-driven approaches for the operation of modern power systems with renewables, also in coordination with other energy systems including hydrogen, natural gas, and district heating. My research focus is at the intersection of multiple fields, including optimization, game theory, control, and machine learning for energy applications. 

Hopefully, my research will facilitate the development of efficient market designs, services, and coordination mechanisms for market/system operators, that go beyond the state of the art and improve the overall efficiency of the integrated energy system. My research is also going to help stakeholders make more informed business, trading, and operational decisions, owing to a wealth of available data.

Further details are available in my CV


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