E-mail: jalal@dtu.dk
Phone: +45 26359955
Technical University of Denmark, Elektrovej, Building 325, room 142, Kgs. Lyngby 2800, Denmark
Links: Twitter | LinkedIn | DTU Webpage | Google Scholar | ORCID | Scopus | ResearchGate | YouTube Channel | DTU PES YouTube | DTU PES Summer School
Hi and welcome!
I am a Full Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in the Department of Wind and Energy Systems (DTU Wind). Currently, I lead the "Energy Markets and Analytics" (EMA) section, which includes a team of over 10 researchers. I also serve as the Head of Studies for the MSc program in Sustainable Energy Systems, one of DTU’s flagship programs. In addition, I founded and co-organize the DTU PES (Power and Energy Systems) Summer School, which annually attracts PhD students and scholars from both academia and industry worldwide. Furthermore, I am an Associate Editor for Operations Research.
My research focuses on developing market-oriented, data-driven approaches to the operation of modern power systems with high share of renewable energy, in coordination with other energy sectors such as hydrogen, natural gas, and district heating. My work intersects multiple fields, including optimization, game theory, control, and machine learning applied to energy systems.
The goal of my research is to advance market designs, grid services, and coordination mechanisms that improve the efficiency of integrated energy systems. These innovations aim to surpass current state-of-the-art practices, improving system performance. By leveraging large-scale data, my work will also empower stakeholders to make more informed business, trading, and operational decisions.
Further details can be found in my CV.
December 12, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "How can energy communities provide grid services? A dynamic pricing mechanism with budget balance, individual rationality, and fair allocation" by Bennevis Crowley, JK, and Lesia Mitridati has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
December 6, 2024: Delivered my inaugural lecture as a DTU professor [ slides | video ]
November 6, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Flexibility of integrated power and gas systems: Gas flow modeling and solution choices matter" by Enrica Raheli, Yannick Werner, and JK has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
October 4, 2024: As our study trip in 2024, the EMA Section travelled London together to visit Imperial College London for a joint seminar, hosted by Pierre Pinson, Fei Teng, and Elina Spyrou. See my post on LinkedIn [ here ].
October 1, 2024: Licio Romao [ DTU | Personal webpage ] joined the EMA Section as our new tenure-track Assistant Professor. Welcome Licio! See my post on LinkedIn [ here ].
September 1, 2024: Marco Saretta [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ] joined the EMA group as an Industrial PhD Student with DTU and Rambøll (co-funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Rambøll Fonden). Over the next three years, Marco will work on his project "Commoditizing green hydrogen in Europe: From efficient market design to optimal contracting and investment" under the supervision of myself, together with Søren Møller Thomsen (Rambøll) and Enrica Raheli (Rambøll). Welcome Marco!
August 19, 2024: Peter Gade successfully defended his PhD thesis “Bringing demand-side flexibility to ancillary service markets” [ Manuscript | slides | video ]. Congrats Peter! Thanks to the three examiners, Johanna Mathieu, Pierluigi Mancarella, and Kai Heussen. Peter was an industrial PhD student with DTU and IBM.
August 1, 2024: Promoted to a full professor!
July 8, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Leveraging P90 requirement: Flexible resources bidding in Nordic ancillary service markets" by Peter A. V. Gade, Henrik W. Bindner, and JK has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE SmartGridComm 2024 Conference. See you in Oslo in September! [ arXiv | GitHub ]
July 8, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Energy-intensive industries providing ancillary services: A real case of zinc galvanizing process" by Peter A. V. Gade, Trygve Skjøtskift, Henrik W. Bindner, and JK has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE SmartGridComm 2024 Conference. See you in Oslo in September! [ arXiv | GitHub ]
June 22, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Bayesian regression markets" by Thomas Falconer, JK, and Pierre Pinson has been accepted for publication in Journal of Machine Learning Research [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
June 10, 2024: In the last two weeks, I presented our recent work on the P90 requirement of Energinet (Danish system operator) for bidding in Nordic ancillary service markets at DTU PES Summer School 2024, in an invited panel at PSCC 2024 in Paris, and as a keynote speaker at European Energy Markets (EEM 2024) conference in Istanbul. Please check [ slides | paper 1 | paper 2 ].
May 31, 2024: The 7th edition of DTU PES Summer School was organized in the period of May 27-31, 2024 with 60 attendees from all over the world (selected among 160+ applicants) and 6 external lecturers, including David Newbery (Univ of Cambridge), Pierluigi Mancarella (Univ of Melbourne), Line Roald (UW Madison), Mahnoosh Alizadeh (UC Santa Barbara), Rodrigo Moreno (Univ of Chile), Carleton Coffrin (Los Alamos National Lab), and four speakers from DTU. You can find all presentation slides [ here ]. The playlist of all video recordings is also available [ here ]. Looking forward to welcoming you for the next summer school during the last week of May 2025.
May 15, 2024: Yannick Heiser [ LinkedIn ] joined the EMA section as a PhD student to work on "Data-driven optimization and machine learning for operation and control of PtX hybrid plants" over the next three years, being supervised by Farzaneh Pourahmadi, Lesia Mitridati, and myself (primal supervisor). Yannick received his MSc degree in Physics from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
May 2, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Unit commitment predictor with a performance guarantee: A support vector machine classifier" by Farzaneh Pourahmadi and JK has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
April 9, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Learning to bid in forward electricity markets using a no-regret algorithm" by Arega Getaneh Abate, Dorsa Majdi, JK, and Maryam Kamgarpour has been accepted for presentation at the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2024). See you in Paris in June! The paper will also be published in Electric Power Systems Research [ arXiv | GitHub ].
April 9, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Feature-driven strategies for trading wind power and hydrogen" by Emil Helgren, JK, and Lesia Mitridati has been accepted for presentation at the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2024). See you in Paris in June! The paper will also be published in Electric Power Systems Research [ arXiv | GitHub ].
April 3, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "Load shifting versus manual frequency reserve: Which one is more appealing to thermostatically controlled loads in Denmark?" by Peter A. V. Gade, Trygve Skjøtskift, Charalampos Ziras, Henrik W. Bindner, and JK has been accepted for publication in Electric Power Systems Research [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
March 6, 2024: Yannick Werner successfully defended his PhD thesis “Modeling electrolyzers and gas networks for integration with power systems” [ Manuscript ]. Congrats Yannick! Thanks Ruud Egging (NTNU) for the co-supervision, and thanks the examination committee, Victor Zavala (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU), and Bissan Ghaddar (DTU).
February 6, 2024: I gave a talk as an invited speaker at the 3rd Champéry Power Conference on "Electric vehicles bidding in Nordic flexibility markets: A distributionally robust chance-constrained program" [ slides ]. Thanks Florian Dörfler and Philippe Jacquod for the invitation.
February 4, 2024: Accepted! Our paper "On the efficiency of energy markets with non-merchant storage" by Linde Frölke, Eléa Prat, Pierre Pinson, Richard M. Lusby, and JK has been accepted for publication in Energy Systems [ link | arXiv | GitHub ].
February 1, 2024: Read my interview with TU Delft on priorities for the energy transition, barriers, and modelling [ here ].
January 9, 2024: Enrica Raheli successfully defended her PhD thesis “Physics-Aware Operation of Power-to-X and Natural Gas Systems” [ Manuscript | slides | video ]. Congrats Enrica! Thanks to the three examiners, Line Roald, Josh Taylor, and Chresten Traeholt, and the chairperson at defense, Lesia Mitridati.
January 1, 2024: Appointed as an Associate Editor for the Operations Research journal in the Energy and Environment Area. It is the flagship journal for the INFORMS community.
January 1, 2024: Torine Reed Herstad [ DTU | LinkedIn ] joined the EMA section as a PhD student. She received her MSc degree in Mathemathical Modeling and Computing in 2022 from DTU, Denmark. Before joining EMA, she was a statistician at Novo Nordisk. During her PhD, she will be working on "probabilistic dimensioning and market design of ancillary services" under supervision of Lesia Mitridati (DTU), Bert Zwart (TU Eindhoven), and myself.